Minggu, 01 Desember 2013

What you need...??
  • Red or Cream Felt
  • Scissors
  • Glue gun and glue sticks
  • 1 inch bar pins
  • Acrylic Gems (or any object you’d like to put in the center)
  • tape measure or ruler
  • lid or glass to trace 2-1/2 ” to 3″ circles

1.      Fold sheet of felt in half lengthwise, and cut two strips 2′ wide, two strips 1.5″ wide and one strip 1″ wide.
2.      Keeping the felt strips folded in half (so you are cutting 2 at a time), you will cut rectangles for the leaves.  I just eyeballed  this; I cut the
·         2″ strips into twelve 1′ wide rectangles (so they are now 2″x 1″)= 12 large
·         the 1.5″ strip into twelve 3/4″ wide rectangles (1½” x ¾” )= 12 medium,
·         the 1″ strips into six ½” rectangles (1″ x ½”) = 6 small

 I then basically cut the corners off each rectangle, to make a leaf shape.

3.      I used a lid that’s was almost 3″ in diameter to trace and then cut a circle.
4.      You now should have; 1- 3″ circle, 12 – 2″ large leaves, 12 – 1½” medium leaves and 6 – 1″ small leaves
5.      Using the hot glue gun,  glue 6 large leaves on to the circle. (be careful not to burn yourself with the hot glue)
6.      Hot glue the remaining 6 large leaves on top of the first 6 leaves, spacing between the original six.
7.      Repeat the process with the medium and small leaves, until you reach the center and use up all of your leaves (depending on what size I cut my leaves sometimes I was able to use 6 small leaves, and sometimes I only got 5 small leaves to fit)
8.      Flip your pin over and glue the one inch bar pin to the center of the circle.


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